Passion for interiorsPassion for interiors


design by inside (Nathalie Schleich)

Inspired by the local stands of a farmers market, our client Alavita wanted to recreate this particular atmosphere at their store.

To make the costumer experience as enjoyable as possible, the circulation within the shop has been created in a way that the client feels comfortable and at ease while browsing the products. This is due to the wide passages, the clean and linear design of the shelves and the counter, that are just the perfect height to give the costumer and employees an overview of the entire shop from all corners.

The shelves have the option to be adapted in their height, which gives the shop more flexibility in presenting their items. 

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Home & Tailor

16, Côte d’Eich
L-1450 Luxembourg
T (+352) 26 18 80 1
Open Tuesday-Saturday: 10am-6pm

Office & Work

2, um Woeller
L-4410 Soleuvre
T (+352) 26 18 80 1
Open on demand


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